Learn by numbers
Of course, knowing numbers in your target language is necessary.
(BTW it’s more effective to learn them out of order so when you want to say 8 you don’t first have to run through 1 to 7 in your head.)
But numbers can also help your journey toward fluency.
Here’s how:
Do your 1 most valuable activity nearly every day.
Research says you need to meet new vocabulary 7 times to recognise its meaning, so practise reading and listening regularly.
Create a 5-a-daymenu to have a balanced mix of learning activities.
Snowball to success by setting yourself a 21-day challenge.
Work in 12-week spurts so you include time to revise what you’ve learnt.
The 3 ways to keep going: make your learning focused, fun and flexible.
At the end of the week, give yourself a score out of 10 to indicate how well you’ve kept to your action plan.
Refer to this list of number prompts whenever you need to kickstart your language journey.
Need a hand to set up and stick to your DIY language project? I can help.
© Christina Wielgolawski