Turn 5 words into 50 and make speaking easier
You have new words/phrases sitting in a notebook or in your phone that you’d like to show off in conversation.
But when you need them, they don’t roll off your tongue.
Would you like them to appear faster?
Then train them.
Pick 5 words/phrases.
They can be totally random or from your vocabulary list or your catchphrases.
Or choose a topic and jot down the first 5 words/phrases that come to mind.
Use these 5 words/phrases to:
spin a story
describe a person or place or event
create a dialogue with a real or imaginary person
and write around 50 words.
Make your writing funny or silly or weird and you’ll remember the words/phrases more easily.
Go over your writing to check you’ve used your 5 words/phrases well.
A few days later, recycle what you wrote by recording an audio version of it.
Bringing new words/phrases into conversations needs preparation and rehearsal.
Challenge yourself to turn 5 into 50 and new words/phrases will flow more easily.
Need a hand to set up and stick to your DIY language project? I can help.
© Christina Wielgolawski